Fortbildungsangebot international

Teachers Team working
The University of Halle and In Dialogue have teamed up to offer schools various opportunities to strengthen their teaching in innovation and science. With support of Erasmus+, teaching and non teaching staff can take part in:
- International courses foregrounding science and innovation in teaching and school management
- Visits to other schools in different countries, to see how they work on science and innovation
- Certain types of conferences
The great advantage of joining this initiative is that you will find courses tailored to schools, teachers and managers who are dedicated to teach science, and focus on innovation. Furthermore you will expand your network of other European professionals working within this field, also via visits to other schools and conferences.
Erasmus+ can fund most of these costs (travel, fees, accommodation).
If interested, read more on the initiative, the courses offered, Erasmus+ and much more. And feel free to get in contact via to find answers to questions you might have. Just know that the deadline for Erasmus+ funding is the 1st of February 2018

New Experiments - teacher learn together
Innovation in Teaching Science
Innovation & science at schools - 2018 Erasmus+ Proposal.pdf
(438.5 KB) vom 16.11.2017
Innovative Teaching Courses
Innovation & science at schools - 2018 Erasmus+ Courses.pdf
(479.4 KB) vom 16.11.2017
Expression of interest Innovation & science at schools - 2018Erasmus+.docx
(24.9 KB) vom 16.11.2017