Homepage Dr. Angela Peterson
- WS: Praktikum Biologische Schulversuche (Fachdidaktik Modul II) 4 Kurse
- Sprechzeit: Montag 10:00 - 11:30 Uhr
- Selbstwahrnehmung, Professionswissen und Emotionen Lehramtsstudierender bezgl. Organisation & Durchführung Biologischer Schulversuche
- Vermittlung lebensrettender Sofortmassnahmen in der Schule
Gburczyk, L. & Peterson, A. (2024) Relevanz und Umsetzung „lebensrettender Sofortmaßnahmen“ im Schulunterricht. German Journal of Paramedic Science 1.
Reinboth A, Kricheldorf K, Peterson A (2017) Mobile Hands-on Molecular Biological Methods Coming into the Classroom − Analysis of DNA at School. In M. Rusek, D. Stárková, I. B. Metelková (Eds.), Project-based Education in Science Education XIV., (pp. 47- 55). Prague: Charles University, Faculty of Education.
Gburczyk L, Schröder C, Peterson A (2023) Entwicklung und Testung verschiedener Konzepte zur Vermittlung lebensrettender Sofortmaßnahmen in der Schule. 3. Forum Rettungswissenschaften 22.-23.04.2023, FH Münster, pp.18-19 (Vortrag LG).
Peterson A (2017) Interventionsstudie zur Entwicklung von Experimentierkompetenzen im Biologielehramtsstudium. 21. Internationale Tagung der Fachsektion Didaktik der Biologie (FDdB) im VBIO, 11.-14. September 2017, MLU Halle-Wittenberg (Poster 11), pp. 144-146.
- Schwerpunkt: Gattung Gagea (Liliaceae)- Untersuchungen zur Phylogeny und hybridogenen Artentstehung innerhalb der Gattung Gagea (Liliaceae). Morphologische Untersuchungen zur Reproduktion ausgewählter Vertreter der Gattung. Untersuchung zur Verbreitung von Haplotypen (cpDNA).
Müller F, Ritz CM, Welk E, Aas G, Dillenberger M, Gebauer S, Kadereit JW, Kropf M, Peterson A, Peterson J, Wesche K (2022). Erläuterungen und Kommentare zu Neuerungen, Abweichungen von der Standardliste der Gefäßpflanzen Deutschlands sowie zu Gattungs-und Artkonzepten in der Rothmaler Exkursionsflora, Auflage 22. Schlechtendalia, 39: 180-219.
Peterson A & Peterson J (2021) Familie Liliaceae Juss.- Liliengewächse. In: Müller F, Ritz CM, Welk E, Wesche K (eds) Rothmaler - Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Grundband. Springer Spektrum, Berlin, Heidelberg. S. 151-154.
Peterson A, Harpke D, Peterson J, Harpke A, Peruzzi L (2019) A pre‐Miocene Irano‐Turanian cradle: Origin and diversification of the species‐rich monocot genus Gagea (Liliaceae). Ecology and Evolution 9. 5870-5890.
Schnittler M, Nursafina A, Peterson A, Peterson J, Barnick C, Klahr A (2017) Studies of life history of Gagea graeca (Liliaceae) based on morphological and molecular methods. Botanical Studies 58:40.
Peterson A, Harpke D, Levichev IG, Beisenova S, Schnittler M, Peterson J (2016) Morphological and molecular investigations of Gagea (Liliaceae) in southeastern Kazakhstan with special reference to putative altitudinal hybrid zones. Plant Systematics and Evolution 302: 985-1007.
Beisenova S, Peterson A, Peterson J, Bersimbaev RI, Klahr A, Schnittler M (2015) On the limits of drought – Life history of Gagea bulbifera (Liliaceae). Flora 210: 72-79.
Schnittler M, Peterson A, Peterson J, Beisenova S, Bersimbaev RI, Pfeiffer T (2013) Minor differences with big consequences: Reproductive patterns in the genus Gagea (Liliaceae). Flora 208: 591-598.
Peruzzi L, Peterson A, Schnittler M (2013) Notulae: 1963. Gagea minima (Liliaceae). In: Barberis G., Nepi C., Peccenini S., Peruzzi L. (eds.), Notulae alla Checklist della Flora Italiana: 15. Inform. Bot. Ital. 45(1): 94-95.
Tison J-M, Peterson A, Harpke D, Peruzzi L (2013) Reticulate evolution of the critical Mediterranean Gagea sect. Didymobulbos (Liliaceae), and its taxonomic implications. Plant Systematics and Evolution. 299: 413-438.
Pfeiffer T, Klahr A, Peterson A, Levichev IG, Schnittler M (2012) No sex at all? Extremely low genetic diversity in Gagea spathacea (Liliaceae) across Europe. Flora 207: 372-378.
Peterson A, Levichev IG, Peterson J, Harpke D, Schnittler M (2011) New insights into the phylogeny and taxonomy of Chinese species of Gagea (Liliaceae) - speciation through hybridization. Organisms Diversity and Evolution 11: 387-407.
Peruzzi L, Peterson A, Tison J-M, Harpke D (2011) New light on phylogeny and taxonomy of the Eurasian Gagea villosa-G. fragifera complex (Liliaceae). Nordic Journal of Botany 29: 722-733.
Harpke D & Peterson A (2011) Molekulare Systematik und Taxonomie in der Gattung Mammillaria. Mitteilungsbaltt Arbeitskreis für Mammillarienfreunde 1: 2-11.
Peterson A, Harpke D, Peruzzi L, Tison J-M, John H, Peterson J (2010) Gagea bohemica (Liliaceae), a highly variable monotypic species within Gagea sect. Didymobulbos. Plant Biosystems 144: 308-322.
Peterson A, Harpke D, Peruzzi L, Levichev IG, Tison J-M, Peterson J (2009) Hybridization drives speciation in Gagea (Liliaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution 278: 133-148.
Peruzzi L, Peterson A, Tison J-M, Peterson J (2008) Phylogenetic relationships of Gagea Salisb. (Liliaceae) in Italy, inferred from molecular and morphological data matrices. Plant Systematics and Evolution 276: 219-234.
Peruzzi L, Tison J-M, Peterson A, Peterson J (2008) On the phylogenetic position and taxonomic value of Gagea trinervia (Viv.) Greuter and Gagea sect. Anthericoides A. Terracc. (Liliaceae). Taxon 57: 1201-1214.
Harpke D & Peterson A (2008) Extensive 5.8S nrDNA polymorphism in Mammillaria (Cactaceae) with special reference to the identification of pseudogenic ITS regions. Journal of Plant Research 121: 261-270.
Harpke D & Peterson A (2008) 5.8S motifs for the identification of pseudogenic ITS regions. Botany 86: 300-305.
Peterson A, Levichev IG, Peterson J (2008) Systematics of Gagea and Lloydia (Liliaceae) and infrageneric classification of Gagea based on molecular and morphological data. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 46: 446-465.
Peterson A, Bartish IV, Peterson J (2008) Effects of population size on genetic diversity, fitness and pollinator community composition in fragmented populations of Anthericum liliago L. Plant Ecology 198: 101-110.
Harpke D & Peterson A (2007) Quantitative PCR revealed a minority of ITS copies to be functional in Mammillaria (Cactaceae). International Journal of Plant Science 168:1157-1160.
Albarouki E & Peterson A (2007) Molecular and morphological characterization of Crataegus L. species (Rosaceae) in southern Syria . Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 153: 255-263.
Harpke D & Peterson A (2006) Non-concerted ITS evolution in Mammillaria (Cactaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 41: 579-593
Schmeling H, Wagner U, Peterson A, Horneff G (2006) Tumor necrosis factor alpha promotor polymorphisms in juvenile idiopathic arthritis patients. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 24: 103-108.
Harpke D, Peterson A, Hoffmann MH, Röser M (2006) Phylogenetic evaluation of chloroplast trnL-trnF DNA sequence variation in the genus Mammillaria (Cactaceae). Schlechtendalia 14: 7-16.
Peterson A, John H, Koch E, Peterson J (2004) A molecular phylogeny of the genus Gagea (Liliaceae) in Germany inferred from non-coding chloroplast and nuclear DNA sequences. Plant Systematics and Evolution 245: 145-162.
John H, Peterson A, Peterson J (2004) Zum taxonomischen Rang zweier kritischer Sippen der Gattung Gagea in Mitteleuropa. Mitt. florist. Kart. Sachsen-Anhalt (Halle) 9: 15-26.
Peterson A, Bartish IV and Peterson J (2002) Genetic structure detected in a small population of the endangered plant Anthericum liliago L. (Anthericaceae) by RAPD analysis. Ecography 25: 677-684.
Framm JJ, Peterson A, Thoeringer C, Pangert A, Hornung E, Feussner I, Luckner M, Lindemann P (2000) Cloning and Functional Expression in Escherichia coli of a cDNA Encoding Cardenolide 16`-O-Glucohydrolase from Digitalis lanata Ehrh. Plant and Cell Physiology 41: 1293-1298.
Peterson A & Peterson J (1999) Genotypic Differentiation on an Individual Level in Gagea villosa (M. Bieb.) DUBY, Gagea lutea (L.) KER-GAWLER and Gagea bohemica subsp. saxatilis (KOCH) PASCHER in Saxony-Anhalt Using RAPDMarkers. Journal of Applied Botany 73: 228-233.
Scholze C, Peterson A, Diettrich B, Luckner M (1999) Cyclophilin isoforms from Digitalis lanata. Sequences and expression during embryogenesis and stress. Journal of Plant Physiology 155: 212-219.
Peterson A & Harpke D (2019) The Mediterranean basin as secondary speciation centre of Gagea. XVI Optima Meeting. Symposium 5: Plant diversity and evolution in polyploid, dysploid, and hybrid complexes of the Mediterranean flora. 2-5 October 2019, Agricultural University of Athens, Greece. p.41 (talk)
Harpke D & Peterson A (2019) A pre-Miocene Irano-Turanian origin of the species-rich monocot genus Gagea (Liliaceae). 13th Symposium on the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighbouring Regions. Stara plania Mt. 20 to 23 June 2019. p. 19. (talk of DH)
Peterson A, Harpke D (2016) Hybridization and species borders in Gagea sect. Gagea 23rd Symposium on ‘Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology’ of the German Botanical Society. September 8 – 11, 2016 in Munich (poster).
Harpke D, Peterson A, Tison J-M, Ranđelović V, Peruzzi L (2016) Species and species boarders in Gagea sect. Gagea. 12th Symposium of the Flora of Southeastern Serbia and Neighboring Regions, Kapaonik MT, 17-19 June 2016. pp.17-18.
Peterson A & Harpke D (2012) Hybrid Detection and Reticulate Evolution in the Polyploid Genus Gagea (Liliaceae) − ITS, pCOS At103, cpDNA & Networks. International Conference on Polyploidy, Hybridization and Biodiversity (ICPHB 2012). Pruhonice, Czech Republic. 7-10 May 2012. (poster P1-23).
Pfeiffer T, Klahr A, Schnittler M, Peterson A (2011) No sex at all? Spatial genetic structure in Gagea spathacea across Europe. PopBio 02/06/2011-04/06/2011. St. Catherine’s College. University of Oxford. (poster 14), p. 41.
Peterson A & Harpke D (2011) Molecular insights in the species-rich polyploidy Liliaceae genus Gagea: Impact of molecular data for determination of hybridogenic taxa and species boundaries. BioSystematics Berlin 2011. 21 – 27 February 2011. (talk S19), p. 288.
Tison J-M, Peterson A, Harpke D, Peruzzi L (2011) Phylogenetic analysis shed new light into taxonomy and reticulate evolution of the critical Mediterranean Gagea sect. Didymobulbos (Liliaceae). BioSystematics Berlin 2011. 21 – 27 February 2011. (poster I-71), p. 360.
Peruzzi L, Peterson A, Tison J-M, Peterson J (2007) Phylogenetic Relationships of Gagea Salisb. (Liliaceae) in Italy, inferred from molecular and morphological matrixes. XII Optima Meeting, Pisa, Italy, 10-16 September 2007. (poster), p. 118.
Peterson A & Peterson J (2006) Molecular analysis of phylogenetic relationships among Gagea and Lloydia (Liliaceae). Botany 2006. 28 July-3 August. California State University-Chico. (talk 542), p. 248.
Harpke D & Peterson A (2006) Identification of 5.8S nrRNA pseudogenes in Mammillaria (Cactaceae) Botany 2006. 28 July - 3 August. California State University-Chico. (poster 335), p. 153.
Peterson A, Bartish IV, Peterson J (2006) Genetic and fitness consequences of habitat fragmentation on Anthericum liliago populations. 28 July - 3 August. California State University-Chico. (talk 812), p. 369.
Harpke D & Peterson A (2006) Extensive ITS polymorphism in Mammillaria (Cactaceae)- non-concerted ITS evolution and identification of 5.8S rRNA pseudogenes. 17th International symposium Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology. 24-28 September 2006 Bonn. (poster).
Peterson A & Peterson J (2005) Phylogenetic relationships among Gagea and Lloydia (Liliaceae). XVII. International Botanical Congress. Vienna. 17-23 July. (poster P0947), p. 389.
Jung D & Peterson A (2005) Non-concerted IST evolution in the genus Mammillaria (Cactaceae). XVII. International Botanical Congress. Vienna. 17-23 July. (poster P1297), p. 443.
Jung D, Peterson A, Hoffmann MH, Röser M (2004) Non-concerted ITS evolution in the genus Mammillaria. Botanikertagung 2004. Braunschweig. 5.-10. September. (poster P 18-07), p. 326.
Peterson A, John H, Peterson J (2004) Hybridisation in the genus Gagea (Liliaceae). Botanikertagung 2004. Braunschweig. 5.-10. September. (talk KV 19-08), p. 336.
Peterson A, Bartish IV, Peterson J (2003) Genetic differentiation in Anthericum liliago populations. Plant Canada 2003 with the 11th New Phytologist Symposium Plant Speciation. St. Francis Xavier University , Antigonish, Nova Scotia . June 25-29. (poster 201), p. 84.
Peterson A, Bartish IV, Peterson J (2003) Correlation between genetic and spatial structure in a small natural population of Anthericum liliago. In: Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie. Bd. 33. Biodiversity- from patterns to processes. Verlag Die Werkstatt. Göttingen. (poster), p. 92.