Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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OUR mission is to improve general public knowledge on plant function in our environment and enhance attractiveness and efficiency of botany teaching at all school levels via innovative teachers‘ training.

Developing an Out-of-School Learning
Curriculum for Teacher Education Programs (ERASMUS+ mit Haceteppe Uni Ankara, Uni Prag and Uni Banska-Bystrica, Slovakei) 2019-2021

DigitUS 2019-2021
BMBFfunded program for the integration of digital tools into classroom work
Collaboration with LMU Munich, TUM, Teacher Training Center Munich and Uni Wuppertal

PARENTStem 2018-2021
Involving Parents into STEM activities with pre-schoolers
Collaborating with Kikkikalle/Turkey, Barcelona, Odense and Bulgaria

Serious Online Games - Research program (FFP) of the center for multimedial teaching and learning LLZ (2018-2020)
SUP4PCL School and University Partnership for Professional Communities of Learners
Collaboration of 4 European and 4 Egyptian universities, supported by Erasmusx
Link to the Website

Wilde Nachbarschaft (Wildernis in the Neighbourhood) 2016-2019Link
Science4Life Mobile Lab 2016-2019
SciVis - ERASMUS+ Project 2014-2016

SCICAMP - "A Network for Science Camps in Europe", EU-Comenius Network 2013-2016

INSTEM - "Innovative Networks for Science Technology Engineering & Mathematics education", EU-Comenius Network 2013-2015

ew approaches to STEM Education - DAAD Project with American University of Cairo
ESTABLISH - European Science and Technology in Action Building Links with
Industry, Schools and Home / 2010-2014

SINUS - Program for Advancement in Mathematics and Science Teaching
SINUS Transfer 2003-2007

Chemistry in Context 2001-2008

PARSEL - Popularity and Relevance of Science Edudation for Scientific Literacy / 2006-2009

CROSSNET - Crossing Boundaries in Science Teachers Education / 2006-2009

Science in Context 2006-2011

Year of the Sciences, Schleswig-Holstein 2010-2011
