Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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All final thesis (Examensarbeiten) are empirically based. The topics range widely, being more and more linked to our research fields. This table offers an overveiw, links lead to the abstracts (in German).

Author, Year
Arnold, F. 2019Eine Studie über den Einfluss von Arzneipflanzen auf das
Interesse an Pflanzen von Schüler*innen und Schülern
Banse, C. 2016Health Education in Biology
Barth, A.-L. 2015STEM in schools with inclusion. Does it have potential for
professional integration of social disadvantaged children?
Beck, C. 2011Bilingualer Sachfachunterricht: Eine deutsch-französische
Unterrichtseinheit zum Thema „Ernährung“ im Fach Biologie
Becker, S. 2014What do students know about sustainable nutrition?
Bellstedt, N. 2014Analysis of data of iPad-use of students while using a plant determination software
Berndt, T. 2014A MOOC for Schools for Education in Sutstainable Development
Beyer, M. 2012Biotechnology in Biology teaching
Bilingual teaching at the Gymnasium – a teaching unit in the
7th grade using the example of the subject of blood
Blechschmidt, R. 2017Kompetenzorientierter fächerübergreifender Unterricht zum Thema „Rassismus”
Bohnen, I.-K. 2020Untersuchung von Akzeptanz von Insektenschutz trotz Aversionen bei Schülerinnen und Schülern
Bolte, M. 2015Teacher concepts on the role of hypothesis concerning experiments in Science teaching.
Bose, P. 2019Neue Ansätze in der Gesundheitserziehung zur Entwicklung
einer kooperativen Patienten- Arzt-Beziehung
Braun, C. 2013The Herbarium: old-fashioned or top-modern? An analyses
with respect to competence - development in Biology
Burmester, J.Eine Elbeexkursion unter biologiedidaktischen Gesichtspunkten
Drechsler, M. 2016The Green Classroom as learning opportunity in Biologiy
Domke, P. 2021Actionbound in Biology Teaching – The Influence on the
Situational Interest, Motivation and Competence Development
in Students.
Emmrich, S. 2012Modelle im Biologieunterricht
Fahland, S. 2013Is gender divorced teachin on sexuality more effective?
Feichtmayer, J. 2021From allele to cell membrane – a study on the use of terms in biology lessons
Fersterra, M. 2012MINT – Zusammenarbeit Schule/Unternehmen
Frenzel, D. 2014STEM in Outdoor Education
Freyer, A. 2011Zum Zusammenhang zwischen Erkenntnissen der modernen
Neurobiologie und dem Konzept der Förderung des Lernens
mit Bewegung
Friedrichs, K. 2014The School Concept of the Freiherr-vom-Stein-School in Neumünster, Germany
Fuhrmann, D. 2018Sprachsensibler Fachunterricht Biologie am Beispiel „
Einführung in die Mikrobiologie“ in Jahrgangsstufe 7/8
Fux, L. 2019Eine Betrachtung zum Einfluss des Biologieunterrichts und
dazugehöriger Unterrichtsmaterialien auf die
Geschlechterprägung von Schülerinnen und Schülern
Gallas, C. 2010Tierschutz im Magdeburger Zoo – Entwicklung und Überprüfung eines Unterrichtsganges
Galonska, J. 2011Zur fächerübergreifenden Gestaltung eines Gruppenpuzzles zum Thema „Hormone"
Genzmer, A. 2013The concept of "Bewegte Schule " (School in movement) and
practical implications in Biology Teaching
Georges, S. 2011MINT im Lehramtsstudium – Eine Untersuchung zur Akzeptanz
Gerard, P. 2020Projektorientierter Biologieunterricht und dessen Einfluss
auf die Naturverbundenheit von Schülerinnen und Schüler
Gräf, T. 2021Willingness to cooperate and innovate as a prerequisite for the successful implementation of digital media at school?
A study of teachers in professional learning communities.
Grimm, 2011Konzeption und Akzeptanz des Schülerlabors an der Fachhochschule Merseburg
Hahmann, A. 2011Ethisches Bewerten im Biologieunterricht – eine Studie in der Sekundarschule
Hansen, A. 2020Umsetzbarkeit, Akzeptanz und Effektivität von Pen-&-Paper-
Rollenspielen im Rahmen des Biologieunterrichts
Hausig, F. 2016Crationism and Intelligent Design in Biology classes - attitudes of teacher students on evolution
Heditzsch, J. 2018Untersuchung zur Eignung von Rollenspielen zur Förderung
von Bewertungskompetenz im Biologieunterricht
Heenemann, S. 2015Opportunities and Limits of outdoor education for Inclusion in Biology teaching
Heinz, S. 2013Comparison between outdoor- and classroom teaching
Herman, M. K. 2018Eine Studie zur Motivation im Biologieunterricht – Bedeutung, Einflussnahme, Auswirkungen
Hoepfner, M. 2014How Hands-on activities influence Interest of Students
Hursie, L. 2018Langzeituntersuchung von Teilnehmern an Science Camps hinsichtlich der MINT-Orientierung
Jacobi, J. 2015Interventionstudy on the accpetance of nursing professions
- a teaching concept for Biology in secondary classes
Jänicke, B. 2015Bilingual teaching of Biology in Spanish
Janke, A. 2021Evolution as an interdisciplinary science:
Opportunities and limits for education on the evolution
Jentschke, J.-N. 2020Eine exemplarische Untersuchung von Gelingensbedingungen
zur Implementierung digitaler Medien in Unterricht und
Kalbhenn, N. 2020Naturwahrnehmung von Schülern und Schülerinnen im Rahmen einer biologischen Exkursion
Kalisch, J. 2014A MOOC on sustainable nutrition in a school
Karl, M. 2021Teaching online: What challenges do teachers and learners have to overcome?
Kirchof, M. 2014SOL (self organized learning) at the Freiherr-vom-Stein-School in Neumünster (Germany)
Kleinau, D. 2021Analyse der lernförderlichen Rolle von außerschulischen
Lernorten bei der
Vermittlung des Themenkomplexes „Angepasstheit“ im Zuge des
Biologieunterrichts am Beispiel der Zooschule des Leipziger
Kleinwächter, H. 2019Bienenhaltung an Schulen – eine empirische Untersuchung
Klemm. A. 2015Bilingual Biology teaching in outdoor settings
Klinkicht, F. 2021
Klopp, D. 2012Environmental education in the Drömling Nature Park
Klose, C. 2014Development of a birds voices app to be used in outdoor settings
Knarr, J. 2021Use of the Zoological Collection for student-friendly exhibitions
Kolander, S. 2010Fruit as a teaching topic for a special learning situation
Köhler, C. 2012A virtual excursion to the Environment Centre Franzigmark
Künstler, M. A. 2018Studies on the acceptance of interdisciplinary STEM teaching among young teachers
Langfeld. C. 2016Geochaching in Biology teaching - does it foster long-term learning
Langenhagen, A. 2015Experiments in Biology concerning aspects of sustainability
Lau 2012Nahrungsmitteluntersuchungen im Unterricht im Hinblick
auf den Kompetenzbereich Erkenntnisgewinnung
Loelke, S. 2015The Next Generation of Science Standards of the US and its implication for STEM-teaching
Development and testing of project-oriented teaching
materials on sustainability and environmental education in
cooperation with the Ökoschule Halle-Franzigmark
Mansmann, M. 2013Students´ interest in STEM
Meinl., M. 2012The Natural Science Summer Camp
Merker, C. 2013Does a virtual excursion foster the interest on a real excursion?
Midolo, S. 2017Serious Games im Biologieunterricht - Eine kritische Betrachtung
Mordass, J. 2014Ecosystem Pond - comparison between original experience and learning with digital media
Mühlenberg, C. 2015The challenge of heterogenity in the class for outdoor activities in Biology
Mühlenberg, T. 2014Supporting Learning by Music
Müller, L. 2016Interview study on students concepts on legal an illegal drugs
Nentwig, S. 2018The study of measures and their effects for the prevention of eating disorders in biology teaching
Preparation in biology class – Between disgust and fascination
Nöhrhoff, M.-S. 2017The forest-human relationship – shaping a
a holistic teaching concept in favour of pupils' attitudes to the subject of “forest” in the
Biology lessons
The topic “Ecosystem Forest” in Biology Classes – An Empirical
Study on the interest of schoolchildren
Ohme, C. 2013Aspects of collaboration between schools and companies in STEM
Paulke, J. 2019On the history of animal-based pedagogy and its implementation in secondary education
Piehl, D. 2020Requirements for sex education in relation to a stronger differentiating gender identity
Plutz, N. 2020Knowledge transfer on sustainability in adults using the example of the serious game “LandYOUs”
Pollmer, M. 2019Climate change in interdisciplinary education – an examination of conceptual thinking
Radke, S. 2012Comparison of curricula Saxony-Anhalt / Thuringia
Reichelt, K. 2013Perception - Aspects in Biology- and Philosophy-Education
Reif, M. 2020Long-term effects of science camps. An interview study with former participants
Reuther, M. 2019Teaching maths and biology in lower secondary education – planning interdisciplinary teaching
Rieche, C. 2019The influence of project-oriented biology teaching on sustainability-related attitudes and behaviours of students
Röhlecke, L. 2020A study on species-appropriate animal husbandry in terms of promoting evaluation competence in the field of biology
Roth, G. 2021Language as a medium and knowledge carrier in schools: Analysis of language and educational language requirements and barriers in biology textbooks
Rosendal, N. 21014How students use digital maps in reality
Roßbach, J. 2012Development of an App for Determination of Grasses
Sack, M. 2020Study on the didactically justified effect of learning stations in zoos
Samsel, C. 2017Gender Studies and their Effects – Impact of the ROSE Study on Practice
Sandner, H. 2012Wastewater purification – Microbiology in the classroom
Schaef, A. 2011The importance of working groups in the
scientific field for the development of occupational choice
Schlunke, A. 2014MINT as School Subject - What is the Opinion of Teacher Students?
Schmeißer, C. 2013Bilingual Subject Teachin: the tension between language and content
Schmidt, S. 2013Analyses of Museum with Aspekts of Biology- and Ethics-Education
Schmidt, T. 2015Subject integrated teaching - an analysis of curricula of
selected subjects concerning their compentence-orientation
To what extent does working with three-dimensional objects
in the extracurricular "Zoological Collection" promote the
on the subject of "evolution".
Relationship between love for animals and conscious nutrition
Language-sensitive biology lessons – challenges for teachers
and resulting opportunities through written teaching aids
for DaZ students
Schroer, D. 2015Instrcition vs. construction - a draft of constructivistic basic concerns of Biology-teacher
Schultze, A. J. 2020Relationship between animal love and conscious nutrition
Sickert, S. 2012System and systemcompetence
Siemoneit, N. 2019Impact of participation in Science Camps on Teaching Students
Skudlarek, S. 2015Videoanalysis on plant determination in outdoor settings
Diversity of methods in biology teaching - an empirical study
on the use of different teaching methods
Spenn, H. H. 2017Citizen Science with children and young people in practice
Sperling, W. 2012A virtuell excusrion on meadow, hedge and wood
Spreer, J. 2020Study on the interest of students in medical subjects in biology classes
Steinmüller, L. 2014The Concept of Science Teaching an selectd private Schools
Stoye, A. 2012Bilingualer Unterricht – Killing two birds with one stone
Sturm, R. 2014How to deal with sexual orientation at schools - an
analyses on the situation and the chances of an
intervention project
Thiede, G. 2014Comparison between digital and anolog plat determination
Ulbrich, A. 2013New T/L-Material for Sexual Education
Urbschat, P. 2020Study of teacher attitudes to the use of digital media in schools and in the classroom
Walther, A. 2011Sex Education between Curriculum and Reality: An Empirical Study on the Implementation of the Guidelines for Sex Education in Biology Classes in Saxony-Anhalt
Walther, A. M. 2017Preparation and testing of MINT- teaching materials to support the integration of refugees
in the natural science teaching
Weber, D. 2013How the learning of students is influenced by tablet-PC
Detailed examination of the human cardiovascular system by
means of the preparation taking into account the variability
of the body donors
Weiß, J. 2021To what extent did school closures during the Corona pandemic affect pupils' competence development in geography?
Weißer, C. 2010The importance of extracurricular biology teaching for the gain of knowledge among pupils in grade 5/6
Wiechert, J. 2021Planning and implementation of a project on the topic of moor in the context of biology lessons
Woithe, F. 2012Open science education – an examination at the Freiherr-vom-Stein-Schule in Neumünster.
Wolff, A. 2011Evolutionary theory in biology lessons - Investigation of
the use of evolutionary theory explanatory model for the
interpretation of biological facts
Wolter, A. 2011All-day schools – curse or blessing? - a critical
consideration of the possibilities and limitations of
all-day school concepts for the realization of the
educational mission of the school
Zametschnik, A. 2018Geocaching – a subject-specific application and assessment of biology teachers about the opportunities and limitations of this method
Zimmermann, L.MINT in Primary Schools - Options, Limits and Chances from the perspecitve of Science Education
