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Barth, A.-L. 2015 | STEM in schools with inclusion. Does it have potential for
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Beck, C. 2011 | Bilingualer Sachfachunterricht: Eine deutsch-französische
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Becker, S. 2014 | What do students know about sustainable nutrition? |
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Bellstedt, N. 2014 | Analysis of data of iPad-use of students while using a plant determination software |
Berndt, T. 2014 | A MOOC for Schools for Education in Sutstainable Development |
Beyer, M. 2012 | Biotechnology in Biology teaching |
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Blechschmidt, R. 2017 | Kompetenzorientierter fächerübergreifender Unterricht zum Thema „Rassismus” |
Bohnen, I.-K. 2020 | Untersuchung von Akzeptanz von Insektenschutz trotz Aversionen bei Schülerinnen und Schülern |
Bolte, M. 2015 | Teacher concepts on the role of hypothesis concerning experiments in Science teaching. |
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Braun, C. 2013 | The Herbarium: old-fashioned or top-modern? An analyses
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Fahland, S. 2013 | Is gender divorced teachin on sexuality more effective? |
Feichtmayer, J. 2021 | From allele to cell membrane – a study on the use of terms in biology lessons |
Fersterra, M. 2012 | MINT – Zusammenarbeit Schule/Unternehmen |
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Freyer, A. 2011 | Zum Zusammenhang zwischen Erkenntnissen der modernen
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Fuhrmann, D. 2018 | Sprachsensibler Fachunterricht Biologie am Beispiel „
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Fux, L. 2019 | Eine Betrachtung zum Einfluss des Biologieunterrichts und
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Gallas, C. 2010 | Tierschutz im Magdeburger Zoo – Entwicklung und Überprüfung eines Unterrichtsganges |
Galonska, J. 2011 | Zur fächerübergreifenden Gestaltung eines Gruppenpuzzles zum Thema „Hormone" |
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Genzmer, A. 2013 | The concept of "Bewegte Schule " (School in movement) and
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Georges, S. 2011 | MINT im Lehramtsstudium – Eine Untersuchung zur Akzeptanz |
Gerard, P. 2020 | Projektorientierter Biologieunterricht und dessen Einfluss
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Gräf, T. 2021 | Willingness to cooperate and innovate as a prerequisite for the successful implementation of digital media at school?
A study of teachers in professional learning communities. |
Grimm, 2011 | Konzeption und Akzeptanz des Schülerlabors an der Fachhochschule Merseburg |
Hahmann, A. 2011 | Ethisches Bewerten im Biologieunterricht – eine Studie in der Sekundarschule |
Hansen, A. 2020 | Umsetzbarkeit, Akzeptanz und Effektivität von Pen-&-Paper-
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Hausig, F. 2016 | Crationism and Intelligent Design in Biology classes - attitudes of teacher students on evolution |
Heditzsch, J. 2018 | Untersuchung zur Eignung von Rollenspielen zur Förderung
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Heenemann, S. 2015 | Opportunities and Limits of outdoor education for Inclusion in Biology teaching |
Heinz, S. 2013 | Comparison between outdoor- and classroom teaching |
Herman, M. K. 2018 | Eine Studie zur Motivation im Biologieunterricht – Bedeutung, Einflussnahme, Auswirkungen |
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Hoepfner, M. 2014 | How Hands-on activities influence Interest of Students |
Hursie, L. 2018 | Langzeituntersuchung von Teilnehmern an Science Camps hinsichtlich der MINT-Orientierung |
Jacobi, J. 2015 | Interventionstudy on the accpetance of nursing professions
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Jänicke, B. 2015 | Bilingual teaching of Biology in Spanish |
Janke, A. 2021 | Evolution as an interdisciplinary science:
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Jentschke, J.-N. 2020 | Eine exemplarische Untersuchung von Gelingensbedingungen
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Kalbhenn, N. 2020 | Naturwahrnehmung von Schülern und Schülerinnen im Rahmen einer biologischen Exkursion |
Kalisch, J. 2014 | A MOOC on sustainable nutrition in a school |
Karl, M. 2021 | Teaching online: What challenges do teachers and learners have to overcome? |
Kirchof, M. 2014 | SOL (self organized learning) at the Freiherr-vom-Stein-School in Neumünster (Germany) |
Kleinau, D. 2021 | Analyse der lernförderlichen Rolle von außerschulischen
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Kleinwächter, H. 2019 | Bienenhaltung an Schulen – eine empirische Untersuchung |
Klemm. A. 2015 | Bilingual Biology teaching in outdoor settings |
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Klopp, D. 2012 | Environmental education in the Drömling Nature Park |
Klose, C. 2014 | Development of a birds voices app to be used in outdoor settings |
Knarr, J. 2021 | Use of the Zoological Collection for student-friendly exhibitions |
Kolander, S. 2010 | Fruit as a teaching topic for a special learning situation |
Köhler, C. 2012 | A virtual excursion to the Environment Centre Franzigmark |
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Künstler, M. A. 2018 | Studies on the acceptance of interdisciplinary STEM teaching among young teachers |
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Langfeld. C. 2016 | Geochaching in Biology teaching - does it foster long-term learning |
Langenhagen, A. 2015 | Experiments in Biology concerning aspects of sustainability |
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Loelke, S. 2015 | The Next Generation of Science Standards of the US and its implication for STEM-teaching |
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Mansmann, M. 2013 | Students´ interest in STEM |
Meinl., M. 2012 | The Natural Science Summer Camp |
Merker, C. 2013 | Does a virtual excursion foster the interest on a real excursion? |
Midolo, S. 2017 | Serious Games im Biologieunterricht - Eine kritische Betrachtung |
Mordass, J. 2014 | Ecosystem Pond - comparison between original experience and learning with digital media |
Mühlenberg, C. 2015 | The challenge of heterogenity in the class for outdoor activities in Biology |
Mühlenberg, T. 2014 | Supporting Learning by Music |
Müller, L. 2016 | Interview study on students concepts on legal an illegal drugs |
Nentwig, S. 2018 | The study of measures and their effects for the prevention of eating disorders in biology teaching |
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Nöhrhoff, M.-S. 2017 | The forest-human relationship – shaping a
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Ohme, C. 2013 | Aspects of collaboration between schools and companies in STEM |
Paulke, J. 2019 | On the history of animal-based pedagogy and its implementation in secondary education |
Piehl, D. 2020 | Requirements for sex education in relation to a stronger differentiating gender identity |
Plutz, N. 2020 | Knowledge transfer on sustainability in adults using the example of the serious game “LandYOUs” |
Pollmer, M. 2019 | Climate change in interdisciplinary education – an examination of conceptual thinking |
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Reichelt, K. 2013 | Perception - Aspects in Biology- and Philosophy-Education |
Reif, M. 2020 | Long-term effects of science camps. An interview study with former participants |
Reuther, M. 2019 | Teaching maths and biology in lower secondary education – planning interdisciplinary teaching |
Rieche, C. 2019 | The influence of project-oriented biology teaching on sustainability-related attitudes and behaviours of students |
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Röhlecke, L. 2020 | A study on species-appropriate animal husbandry in terms of promoting evaluation competence in the field of biology |
Roth, G. 2021 | Language as a medium and knowledge carrier in schools: Analysis of language and educational language requirements and barriers in biology textbooks |
Rosendal, N. 21014 | How students use digital maps in reality |
Roßbach, J. 2012 | Development of an App for Determination of Grasses |
Sack, M. 2020 | Study on the didactically justified effect of learning stations in zoos |
Samsel, C. 2017 | Gender Studies and their Effects – Impact of the ROSE Study on Practice |
Sandner, H. 2012 | Wastewater purification – Microbiology in the classroom |
Schaef, A. 2011 | The importance of working groups in the
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Schlunke, A. 2014 | MINT as School Subject - What is the Opinion of Teacher Students? |
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Schmeißer, C. 2013 | Bilingual Subject Teachin: the tension between language and content |
Schmidt, S. 2013 | Analyses of Museum with Aspekts of Biology- and Ethics-Education |
Schmidt, T. 2015 | Subject integrated teaching - an analysis of curricula of
selected subjects concerning their compentence-orientation |
| To what extent does working with three-dimensional objects
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| Relationship between love for animals and conscious nutrition |
| Language-sensitive biology lessons – challenges for teachers
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Schroer, D. 2015 | Instrcition vs. construction - a draft of constructivistic basic concerns of Biology-teacher |
Schultze, A. J. 2020 | Relationship between animal love and conscious nutrition |
Sickert, S. 2012 | System and systemcompetence |
Siemoneit, N. 2019 | Impact of participation in Science Camps on Teaching Students |
Skudlarek, S. 2015 | Videoanalysis on plant determination in outdoor settings |
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Spenn, H. H. 2017 | Citizen Science with children and young people in practice |
Sperling, W. 2012 | A virtuell excusrion on meadow, hedge and wood |
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Steinmüller, L. 2014 | The Concept of Science Teaching an selectd private Schools |
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Walther, A. 2011 | Sex Education between Curriculum and Reality: An Empirical Study on the Implementation of the Guidelines for Sex Education in Biology Classes in Saxony-Anhalt |
Walther, A. M. 2017 | Preparation and testing of MINT- teaching materials to support the integration of refugees
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Weber, D. 2013 | How the learning of students is influenced by tablet-PC |
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Weiß, J. 2021 | To what extent did school closures during the Corona pandemic affect pupils' competence development in geography? |
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Wiechert, J. 2021 | Planning and implementation of a project on the topic of moor in the context of biology lessons |
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Zimmermann, L. | MINT in Primary Schools - Options, Limits and Chances from the perspecitve of Science Education |